Chronic pain, unfortunately, comes in many forms. Some suffer from back or neck pain while others deal with joint or muscular pain. Fibromyalgia is a category for widespread aches, pains, stiffness, tenderness, and general fatigue. Regardless of the cause or its presentation, chronic pain can wear you down and make life miserable.
For those looking for relief, even the thought of exercise can cause fear. Pilates, however, is one of the few rehabilitation or conditioning techniques that can actually help ease the pain while increasing mobility and health within the body.
Retraining Your Body With Pilates & Without the Pain
Pilates provides ways to help your body re-learn a more efficient way to move without increasing pain. It is a low impact technique, which offers ease on the joints but focused strength building for the core – the predominant area of the body that is critical for movement, stability, and flexibility.
Building core strength enables increased confidence in the way you will move, and can encourage you to strive – and want – to move more. Pain is the reverse, where you are dictated by a feeling of great unease due to painful sensations when you move, or simply a fear that movement will aggravate your discomfort.
Bringing Back Focus to the Body & Connection With the Mind
Those who suffer from chronic pain have a tendency to live in a tense state, opting to almost “disconnect” from their bodies to avoid suffering. Pilates focuses on both breathing and mindfulness for each movement and exercise. This breath work oxygenates the blood and increases circulation, which is a cornerstone of physiological health and nourishment for the muscles, nerves, and tissues. A mindful approach to exercise and life, overall, can benefit those with chronic pain. A sense of wellbeing is possible when you are expertly guided through each movement and motion, aware and in control of your feelings!
Firehaus Pilates works with a range of clients who are in rehabilitation for injury, mobility restriction, and chronic pain. We create custom-made programs using Balanced Body reformers and various other Pilates apparatus’, along with rehab based technique that allows you to progress and recuperate as part of the natural course to improve, heal, and strengthen your body.
Our programs work to carefully increase muscular endurance in all phases of any exercise. You can rest easy that we offer expert and certified instruction to create Pilates programs that account for many variables or challenges you may be feeling. You will be amazed and proud of the progress you can achieve at Firehaus Pilates! Please contact us to explore what we can offer you as you deal with chronic pain – we are here to help make you feel healthy and happy!